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The lady of Gaia

Roberta de Souza is the journalist responsible for Gaia Assessoria de Comunicação, a company specialized in culture, with a focus on literature, since 2015. More than a dozen books of the most diverse focuses and themes have been published by Gaia. However, for them, secrecy was fundamental. The fact is that, from our hands, we saw the birth, from 2015 onwards, of a hundred publications between books and newspapers.  

Roberta is also an umbanda player, writer and mother. She has been working in the publishing market for almost 20 years as Ghost Write, Copy and Document preparer.  

He published the book "Meninas de 30" (2013), the biography "Morgana da Figueira" (2015) and his book of poems, the "Cavador do Infinito" (July 2020). At the end of 2020, he relaunched the book “Meninas de 30 (vol 1)” and launched the “Meninas de 30 (vol 2)”. In July 2021, she released her hot novel “Ella”.

She participated as co-author and co-organizer of 5 anthologies “O Perfume da Palavras” (Editora Muiraquitã). She participated as co-author of the collection “These Wonderful Women and their Inspiring Stories”; organized the collections “Esperança em Tempos de Pandemia” Volumes 1 and 2, both under the seal of Editora Proverbo (2020/2021). In 2021, he also participated in the “Hot? I'm inside!" Volumes 1 and 2, from the Anthology “People like me have burning desires” (Editora Serpentine), “Is it Love that speaks?” (SEVAI) and the Anthology “O Povo do Livro – Autores de Maricá Vol 2” (Editora Proverbo).  

She was invited to open the book “Niterói em Fatos e Fotos” (DB Editora) with a special poem about her hometown. The book, presented in a deluxe edition, is signed by photographer Antônio Schumacher.

Participated in the idealization and final organization of the books "Câncer de mama on the roda", (Editora Muitoquita, 2017) and "Arquiconfraria Nossa Senhora da Conceição - 350 Anos" (DB Editora, 2021).

She was honored with the commemorative Medal of the 200th anniversary of the City Council of Niterói. She is the creator of the website Balzaqueando. He is member number 002 of AILB (International Academy of Brazilian Literature).  

He wrote in literary columns on the websites: Mix Cultural, Arca Literária, Mapa da Cultura, Balzaqueando and in the newspapers Tanguá Notícias and Uniteroi. And today he signs the blog Eu Li.

Instagram: @autora.robertadesouza

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